Whether you are looking to build your brand or blogging for Adsense or affiliate profits, it’s helpful to understand that it’s possible to make money right away yet probable that it will take some time. Your profits are directly dependent on the amount of targeted traffic you attract to your site therefore you will need to master the traffic getting methods.
In this blog, I am sharing top 10 blogging tips for beginners,
1.Choose a niche that is not saturated.
So many times people get into a niche that is so competitive. Sometimes it’s nearly impossible to compete for a new site in an overly competitive field and is doomed to fail. So be smart and do some research so that you can tap into a niche that is still worth your time. I use a great tool that helps me with that called “Micro Niche Finder”.
2.Know your target market.
In other words make sure you know exactly who you are attracting. You have to sell products that relate to your visitors and I’m sure you’ve heard before that “you can’t sell meat to a vegetarian”. Well believe it or not, it is exactly what happens to so many people who are blogging without any success. Match your products and visitors and you will be the winner. Be patient, this may take a little time.
3. Build your list
I have learned from many marketers that list building is number one priority of building any business. A list can double and sometimes triple your profits simply because of one reason and that is that people will buy when they are ready and not when you are ready. So build a list and communicate your offer with them again and again and you will see the power of list building. Make sure that list building isn’t the only priority of your business though making money is.

4. Build a relationship with your list
Now this is a tricky one, many people think that building a relationship with your list means catering to their every need and spending time helping each and every person on your list. No, building a relationship with your list is sharing new information on your products and discussing problems and solutions to the niche you are marketing to. I’m not suggesting that you don’t answer questions your customers. I am simply advising you to be careful that you do not spend too much time working for free. Your job is to share current and new information and point to where they can purchase or learn more about it. The biggest problem in the digital marketing industry is that people aren’t focused on making money but saving the world. You are in business to make money and to serve your customers by offering them solutions to their problems.

5.Time Management
The biggest problem with time management is distractions. Your blogging revolves around being online and writing, making videos, link building and social media marketing. These tasks can be very time-consuming full of distractions and will rob you of your time and potential profits therefore making a plan of action and sticking to it is the only way to succeed in online internet marketing. Or you will find yourself spending hours upon hours in front of your computer getting caught up and next year you will look at your business and wonder where did the time go. Don’t make such a mistake, have a definitive action plan and if you need to treat your business as a job until it becomes a habit to do those tasks that make you money. Remember blogging is a great way to make money from home but it takes a great amount of discipline. Your potential is great only if you can put on the blinders and work diligently for at least 90 days to build a decent momentum and really see the fruits of your labor. Three months is not a long time and it’s worth the effort. It’s better than what some of the people have done wasting years trying to figure out how to make it online.
6. Choose a platform you can learn easily
Don’t choose a popular platform just because it’s popular. If you can’t figure out how to use it, your blog will be over before it starts. Shop around and find a blogging program that is easy to use and has options for technical support in case you get stuck
7. Select the format that doesn’t require a lot of technical changes or adjustments
Choose a blog template that does not need a lot of changes. If you find one you really like you don’t even need to make any changes. Stay away that need many changes or else you’ll find yourself with a blog that isn’t functioning after a few wrong keys strokes.
8. Back up your blog
Backing up your blog should be something that you do often. If something happens with the server or you accidentally delete your own blog, you won’t spend days or weeks trying to start a new one or put the old one back together.
9. Write posts on topics relevant to your business
If you’re the owner of a widget shop, you don’t need to write every single post about widgets themselves however you should write about topics related to the business of making widgets. You can write about bookkeeping for widget companies, how to use widgets, the types of challenges currently facing by widget companies and other related topics. Relevance is important for getting targeted search engine traffic to visit your blog.
and the last
10. Include links to other sites and affiliate products only if they are relevant to the blog topic
Relevancy is very important for maintaining the credibility of your business. A bookkeeping blog with links to tax information and a book called bookkeeping for beginners for sale is good a bookkeeping blog. But with links to gardening websites and a video on beekeeping for sale is not keep your blog relevant for your readers. Your readers are more likely to visit again if they find your blog helpful and relevant.